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Welcome to visit Smooth Collie Database

Welcome to visit Smooth Collie Database: more than 2800 dogs and more than 400 links, information about puppies and litters and so on!

The board time now is: 14 Jan 06:41, Tue
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ForumsRepliesTopicsLast Topic
About smooth collies
- Breed Standard
Discussions about the Standard
8951836 Top 5 Most Effective..
Today at 03:55 - wintips123
- Breed history
Historical excursions
203167 Escort Service
Yesterday at 15:53 - Bushra
- Life with a smooth collie
Life stories, questions of keeping
222105 Top Reasons to Study..
09.01.25 11:19 - Sumitkashyap
- Breeding
All about the breeding of smooth collies
50961 Need of Data Analytics
03.01.25 07:49 - Danyscott
- Health
Problems and veterinarian advice
229324 viral vector production
09.01.25 20:44 - ebraincase
- Working with smooths
Smooth collies in sports, work and herding
200315 Qatar Airways Melbou..
Yesterday at 07:46 - airlinesticketoffice
- Photoalbum
Photos of smooth collies
1002157 What does India supp..
04.01.25 07:51 - Siomex
Smooth Collies in the world
- Smooth collie`s Bulletin
News about people and dogs, kennels, clubs
164136 Understanding the mo..
11.01.25 07:13 - phocohanoi7
- Show results
Results of smooth collie rings
741143 хотим с супругой раз..
06.01.25 06:45 - ferr
- Announcement
Advert of future events, shows, meetings, books and so on
408437 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethy..
Yesterday at 04:58 - samir@12
- Smooth collie`s puppies
Matings, litters, puppies for sale
1583296 Global Food Safety T..
Yesterday at 17:01 - elitebodyhome
- Smooth collie`s sites
Links and updates
32574 tiger exchange vip login
23.12.24 04:38 - chocolatealive
- Smooth Collie Database
Contact with Administrator of Database
9319 Unleash Affordabilit..
16.12.24 08:47 - mikerooney
Not only smooth collies
- About all
Talking about life
225689 Find the best exhibi..
Yesterday at 11:32 - expostandzone
- Humor
Funny photos, jokes, funny stories
1178 kitchen appliance fo..
17.12.24 12:23 - mikerooney
- About this forum
Problems, technical matters, proposals
12595 The CV Mentors: Prof..
06.01.25 18:40 - carlstephan

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Total number of topics: 4862 (7041)
Registered users: 3216
Hits today: 41
Yesterday: number of hits: 144
Хостов вчера: 83
Record on-line: 60 on 17.10.15 08:45
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Record of attendance in the day: 29 persons was 07.05.24

Today were here:: wintips123, sanafaris, codeadroit, Total 3

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We have smooth collie puppies!
Forum English Translation: Alex007 (PEFT 1.2 Final)