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Welcome to visit Smooth Collie Database

Welcome to visit Smooth Collie Database: more than 2800 dogs and more than 400 links, information about puppies and litters and so on!

The board time now is: 13 Feb 03:23, Thu
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ForumsRepliesTopicsLast Topic
About smooth collies
- Breed Standard
Discussions about the Standard
9181908 High-status Call Gir..
Yesterday at 12:44 - Ctngt
- Breed history
Historical excursions
209171 Qatar Airways Office..
10.02.25 12:13 - Ablaze Shuya
- Life with a smooth collie
Life stories, questions of keeping
224105 what is a dui in virginia
20.01.25 09:53 - williamsrrichard456
- Breeding
All about the breeding of smooth collies
50962 What is Python Programming?
17.01.25 12:29 - pythonsevenmentor
- Health
Problems and veterinarian advice
233337 Double Marker Test: ..
Yesterday at 05:23 - redcliffelabs
- Working with smooths
Smooth collies in sports, work and herding
201320 Amazon careers
08.02.25 12:34 - rajaram01
- Photoalbum
Photos of smooth collies
21.01.25 10:42 - faisalmuneeb
Smooth Collies in the world
- Smooth collie`s Bulletin
News about people and dogs, kennels, clubs
166146 Signs Your 2007 Dodg..
11.02.25 12:15 - olivialily0210
- Show results
Results of smooth collie rings
741144 Секреты успешного он..
23.01.25 20:56 - Redbulxxl
- Announcement
Advert of future events, shows, meetings, books and so on
412453 lắp máy l..
Yesterday at 08:07 - lapcameragiare
- Smooth collie`s puppies
Matings, litters, puppies for sale
1590304 Why is it important ..
Yesterday at 10:49 - hamadbintalha
- Smooth collie`s sites
Links and updates
32875 Press Start Power Tr..
05.02.25 01:48 - seatelo
- Smooth Collie Database
Contact with Administrator of Database
9319 Unleash Affordabilit..
16.12.24 08:47 - mikerooney
Not only smooth collies
- About all
Talking about life
233743 Affordable Portable ..
Yesterday at 11:32 - groupremote98
- Humor
Funny photos, jokes, funny stories
1188 kitchen appliance fo..
03.02.25 17:58 - jamesadam
- About this forum
Problems, technical matters, proposals
12597 Need Urgent Cash? No..
30.01.25 11:43 - alicehenz

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We have smooth collie puppies!
Forum English Translation: Alex007 (PEFT 1.2 Final)