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Welcome to visit Smooth Collie Database

Welcome to visit Smooth Collie Database: more than 2800 dogs and more than 400 links, information about puppies and litters and so on!


Post Number: 76
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 03.11.08 20:24. Title: New litter in Italy - Mid December 2008

SIRE: Blue Merle

Ch. Honey Melon Hartley Henry x Ch. Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy

DAM: Tricolour - Multi Ch. & BISS

Ch. Collies of Sealand Numer Six Nice Nepomuk x Ch. Jack Mack's Fiz Gig Flitter

ABOUT "NUCK" Jack Mack's Laidir Laochain

Nuck is a really impressive male with a great funny temperament; he got a really excellent light blue-merle color with dark eyes, well pigmented nose and small spots. Head is masculine with a typical "collie expression", the body is strong and well belanced; well angulated both front and back. Tail is long and well carried, movement is powerfull.

He is not a show-dog but he comes out a really interesting genealogy: his dad is the famous finnish stud-dog: INT & FIN & LTU & LUX & NL & D(VDH) Ch. LTUW-03, EUVDHSG-06, W-07 "Honey Melon Hartley Henry". His mother Int./Dt.(VDH+Club)/CH Champion "Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy" lives in Germany in Mrs Gudrun Hartmann's Jack Mack's kennel; "Izit"'s pedigree boasts the main stud dogs and broad bitches of the Foxearth kennel (UK) from were she comes from.

Last but not least Nuck is HIPS A/A, CEA Free and MDR1 +/+

ABOUT "CADY" Ballet Dancer in Black del Castelgavone

Cady is one of the all-times top winning smooth collie, she boasts Championships in 10 different countries, 2 Best in club shows (first and only in Italy), multiple group placements and several important awards (you can see full informations on Cady's ownpage She is a really elegant female with a sweety temperament and she comes from important bloodlines of main european kennels such as Jack Mack's, Fairlines, Oneways and Foxearth.
Her dad German Youth - Luxembourg Youth - VDH - SWISS - LUX. - BELG. - INT. Champion, Belgian Winner 97 - Longchamp Winner 97 - Belgian Clubsieger 97 - Austrian Bundessieger 97 "Collies of Sealand's Number 6 Nice Nepomuk" Is a great show and agility dog that comes out of danish and swedish bloodlines; her mother Ital./Lux./Int./Dt. Champion "Jack Mack's Fiz Gig Flitter" is daughter of the great studdog Oneway's Al Capone and Nuck's mother Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy

Just like Nuck Cady is HIPS A/A and CEA Free

Cady's records:
Hungarian Champion
Hungarian Club Champion
Portugal Champion
Mediterranean Winner
Lisboa Winner
Montecarlo Champion
Slovenian Champion
#1 TOP DOG unofficial
Pro Plan Cup BOB + BOG4th
Massimo Rebonato Trophy
Gibraltar Champion
Romanian Champion
San Marino Champion
Croatian Champion
Alpe Adria Winner
International Champion
Hungarian Club Champion
Coppa Emilia Winner
Winter Winner BOB + BOG2nd
Slovenian Club Champion
#27 All breeds Top Junior
Polish Champion
Italian Champion
Bosnia i H. Jr Champion
Mediterranean Jr Winner
San Marino Jr Champion
Italian Jr Champion
Slovenian Jr Champion
Slovenian Jr Club Champion
Croatian Jr Champion
Croatian Jr Club Champion

2007: Club Show in Rome BIS 2nd (Stella Clark - collie breeder)
2007: EURO DOG SHOW Zagreb EURO VICE WINNER cac cacibr (Shevshenko)
2007: Club Show in Livorno BIS WINNER breed record (Smeraj Pawel)
2007: Int. Graz CAC CACIB BOB + BOG 2nd (Deutscher, Urosevich)
2007: Nat. Celjie CAC BOB WINTER WINNER + BOG 2nd (A. L. Doyle)
2007: Club Show in Lubiana BIS 2nd (Robin Searle)
2006: Club Show in Bientina IT Ch., BIS WINNER breed record (Garabelli - collie breeder)
2006: Club Show in Poggibonsi BIS 2nd (Malacrida)
2006: Int. in Novi Marof BIH CAC CACIB BOB, GOUP RESERVE
2006: Int. in Verazdin CAC CACIB BOB, GROUP RESERVE (Javor, Selimovic)
2006: Nat. in Novi Marof HR CAC BOB, GROUP RESERVE (Matkovic)
2006: Nat. in Legnano BOB, JW, GROUP WINNER breed Record (Rivolta, Corbett)
2006: Club Show in La Tollara BREEDER GROUP BIS 2nd + BIS 2nd (Mocquй - collie breeder)
2006: Club Show in Lubiana YOUNG BIS 3rd (Nekrosiene - collie breeder)
2005: Club Show in Zagreb YOUNG BIS + BIS 2nd (Hugh Jones)
2005: Club Show in Argelato BREEDER GROUP BIS, BRACE BIS 2nd (Dupont - collie breeder)
2005: Club Show in Ceccano PUPPY BIS (Garabelli - collie breeder)

Puppies will be given to their new families not before 70 days with:
vaccinations, microchip, parent's pedigree, HIPS and CEA certificate's copy, Italian Anagrafe Canina's registration

For any further information about this litter please feel free to contact us
Mobile: ++39.393.4489005 (English / Italian)
E-mail (English / Italian)

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 85
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 14.12.08 21:07. Title: Puppies are born on ..

Puppies are born on 13th December 2008
2 black males, 1 black female, 2 blue males

More photos and informations: see litters page on website

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 391
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 14.12.08 21:46. Title: Roberta Semenzato C..

Roberta Semenzato
Congratulations for new litter!!!

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Post Number: 20
Joined on: 11.09.07
Location: Italy, Padova
post link  Posted: 14.12.08 21:49. Title: Welcome, babies!!!! ..

Welcome, babies!!!!


cris :-)
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Post Number: 105
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
post link  Posted: 15.12.08 10:39. Title: Roberta, congratulat..

Roberta, congratulations!!

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Post Number: 87
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 15.12.08 12:30. Title: Thank you so much!!!..

Thank you so much!!!

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 5
Joined on: 17.11.08
Location: France, Sainte Anne sur Vilaine
post link  Posted: 16.12.08 23:51. Title: Hello Roberta, Flo..

Hello Roberta,

Florence del Passo del Turchino congratulates her so beautiful newborn cousins We wish you all the best and good luck with them

Best regards and Merry Christmas to you all,

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Post Number: 24
Joined on: 28.08.07
post link  Posted: 17.12.08 10:00. Title: Congratulations of y..

Congratulations of your new litter!

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Post Number: 31
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia
post link  Posted: 18.12.08 16:33. Title: :sm36: Congratulati..

Congratulation Roberta and Cody!
Wish the best to babies

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Post Number: 88
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 18.12.08 21:29. Title: thank to you too!..

thank to you too!

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 90
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 06.01.09 14:07. Title: http://www.collies..

new pictures at 20th
click to see

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 34
Joined on: 15.02.08
Location: Estonia
post link  Posted: 06.01.09 21:41. Title: They are so cute :s..

They are so cute Congratulations ;)!

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Post Number: 27
Joined on: 01.09.07
Location: Holland, Barger-Compascuum
post link  Posted: 10.01.09 15:41. Title: Very cute puppies. ..

Very cute puppies.

A smooth collie is a friend for life. Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 91
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 19.01.09 11:58. Title: thanks..


Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 92
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 26.01.09 11:59. Title: new pictures at 41da..

new pictures at 41days on the web

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 93
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 02.02.09 11:59. Title: http://www.colliesin..

on the net you can find new pictures taked at 41st day

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 3
Joined on: 31.07.07
Location: Germany, D-78549 Spaichingen
post link  Posted: 02.02.09 16:33. Title: Congratulations from..

Congratulations from me too, puppies are lovely!
As I heard Friedemann and Nuck are very proud of his offspring

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Post Number: 94
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 03.02.09 11:24. Title: thank you Gudrun..

thank you Gudrun

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 95
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 11.02.09 11:14. Title: http://www.colliesin..

new pics at 58th Day on web

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 114
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
post link  Posted: 11.02.09 12:33. Title: Puppies are beautifu..

Puppies are beautiful!

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Post Number: 109
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 22.04.09 19:21. Title: I just comed back by..

I just comed back by the vet: all puppies are free by CEA

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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We have smooth collie puppies!
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