SIRE: Blue Merle
Ch. Honey Melon Hartley Henry x Ch. Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy
DAM: Tricolour - Multi Ch. & BISS
Ch. Collies of Sealand Numer Six Nice Nepomuk x Ch. Jack Mack's Fiz Gig Flitter
ABOUT "NUCK" Jack Mack's Laidir Laochain Nuck is a really impressive male with a great funny temperament; he got a really excellent light blue-merle color with dark eyes, well pigmented nose and small spots. Head is masculine with a typical "collie expression", the body is strong and well belanced; well angulated both front and back. Tail is long and well carried, movement is powerfull.
He is not a show-dog but he comes out a really interesting genealogy: his dad is the famous finnish stud-dog: INT & FIN & LTU & LUX & NL & D(VDH) Ch. LTUW-03, EUVDHSG-06, W-07 "Honey Melon Hartley Henry". His mother Int./Dt.(VDH+Club)/CH Champion "Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy" lives in Germany in Mrs Gudrun Hartmann's Jack Mack's kennel; "Izit"'s pedigree boasts the main stud dogs and broad bitches of the Foxearth kennel (UK) from were she comes from.
Last but not least Nuck is HIPS A/A, CEA Free and MDR1 +/+
ABOUT "CADY" Ballet Dancer in Black del Castelgavone Cady is one of the all-times top winning smooth collie, she boasts Championships in 10 different countries, 2 Best in club shows (first and only in Italy), multiple group placements and several important awards (you can see full informations on Cady's ownpage She is a really elegant female with a sweety temperament and she comes from important bloodlines of main european kennels such as Jack Mack's, Fairlines, Oneways and Foxearth.
Her dad German Youth - Luxembourg Youth - VDH - SWISS - LUX. - BELG. - INT. Champion, Belgian Winner 97 - Longchamp Winner 97 - Belgian Clubsieger 97 - Austrian Bundessieger 97 "Collies of Sealand's Number 6 Nice Nepomuk" Is a great show and agility dog that comes out of danish and swedish bloodlines; her mother Ital./Lux./Int./Dt. Champion "Jack Mack's Fiz Gig Flitter" is daughter of the great studdog Oneway's Al Capone and Nuck's mother Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy
Just like Nuck Cady is HIPS A/A and CEA Free
Cady's records:
Hungarian Champion
Hungarian Club Champion
Portugal Champion
Mediterranean Winner
Lisboa Winner
Montecarlo Champion
Slovenian Champion
#1 TOP DOG unofficial
Pro Plan Cup BOB + BOG4th
Massimo Rebonato Trophy
Gibraltar Champion
Romanian Champion
San Marino Champion
Croatian Champion
Alpe Adria Winner
International Champion
Hungarian Club Champion
Coppa Emilia Winner
Winter Winner BOB + BOG2nd
Slovenian Club Champion
#27 All breeds Top Junior
Polish Champion
Italian Champion
Bosnia i H. Jr Champion
Mediterranean Jr Winner
San Marino Jr Champion
Italian Jr Champion
Slovenian Jr Champion
Slovenian Jr Club Champion
Croatian Jr Champion
Croatian Jr Club Champion
2007: Club Show in Rome
BIS 2nd (Stella Clark - collie breeder)
2007: EURO DOG SHOW Zagreb
EURO VICE WINNER cac cacibr (Shevshenko)
2007: Club Show in Livorno
BIS WINNER breed record (Smeraj Pawel)
2007: Int. Graz CAC CACIB BOB +
BOG 2nd (Deutscher, Urosevich)
2007: Nat. Celjie CAC BOB WINTER WINNER +
BOG 2nd (A. L. Doyle)
2007: Club Show in Lubiana
BIS 2nd (Robin Searle)
2006: Club Show in Bientina IT Ch.,
BIS WINNER breed record (Garabelli - collie breeder)
2006: Club Show in Poggibonsi
BIS 2nd (Malacrida)
2006: Int. in Novi Marof BIH CAC CACIB BOB,
GOUP RESERVE 2006: Int. in Verazdin CAC CACIB BOB,
GROUP RESERVE (Javor, Selimovic)
2006: Nat. in Novi Marof HR CAC BOB,
2006: Nat. in Legnano BOB, JW,
GROUP WINNER breed Record (Rivolta, Corbett)
2006: Club Show in La Tollara
BREEDER GROUP BIS 2nd + BIS 2nd (Mocquй - collie breeder)
2006: Club Show in Lubiana
YOUNG BIS 3rd (Nekrosiene - collie breeder)
2005: Club Show in Zagreb
YOUNG BIS + BIS 2nd (Hugh Jones)
2005: Club Show in Argelato
BREEDER GROUP BIS, BRACE BIS 2nd (Dupont - collie breeder)
2005: Club Show in Ceccano
PUPPY BIS (Garabelli - collie breeder)
INFORMATIONS Puppies will be given to their new families not before 70 days with:
vaccinations, microchip, parent's pedigree, HIPS and CEA certificate's copy, Italian Anagrafe Canina's registration
For any further information about this litter please feel free to contact us
Mobile: ++39.393.4489005 (English / Italian)
E-mail (English / Italian)