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Welcome to visit Smooth Collie Database: more than 2800 dogs and more than 400 links, information about puppies and litters and so on!


Post Number: 249
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 24.04.08 18:53. Title: Natalain L-litter

14.04.2008 we have got the new litter of 3 girls from this couple:

Fin CH Tender Wind`s Lucky One (Finland)


JRus CH, JRus Club CH, Rus CH, Rus Club CH, Rus Grand CH Natalain Happy-Go-Lucky

Here is photos of pups in the age of 3 days:

And in the age of 9 days:

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Post Number: 11
Joined on: 01.10.07
Location: Finland
post link  Posted: 24.04.08 20:58. Title: Congratulations!! :..


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Post Number: 44
Joined on: 21.09.07
Location: France, Loué
post link  Posted: 27.04.08 10:15. Title: Congratulations for ..

Congratulations for these 3 nice girls ! The pics of the 3 together is so cute !

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Post Number: 102
Joined on: 31.08.07
Location: Nederland, Dordrecht
post link  Posted: 28.04.08 10:13. Title: Congratulations with..

Congratulations with your 3 lovely puppies!

the smoothcollie ,the biggest friend you can get!!
bye Jolanda

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Post Number: 253
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 28.04.08 20:20. Title: MacGee´s Twinway M..


Thank you very much!!!

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Post Number: 255
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 06.05.08 22:20. Title: New photos of our gi..

New photos of our girls in the age of 3 weeks.
First girl

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Post Number: 256
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Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 06.05.08 22:21. Title: Second girl http:/..

Second girl

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Post Number: 257
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Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 06.05.08 22:22. Title: Third girl http://..

Third girl

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Post Number: 258
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 06.05.08 22:41. Title: "Three sisters&#..

"Three sisters"

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Post Number: 12
Joined on: 01.10.07
Location: Finland
post link  Posted: 09.05.08 16:32. Title: Lovely girls! :sm19..

Lovely girls!

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Post Number: 72
Joined on: 14.07.07
post link  Posted: 09.05.08 19:16. Title: 3 ladies http://ww..

3 ladies

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Post Number: 259
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 10.05.08 18:44. Title: MacGee´s Lea Thank..

Thank you!

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Post Number: 23
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia
post link  Posted: 21.05.08 06:45. Title: Hi Natalian :sm111: ..

Hi Natalian

The puppy girls are gorgeous CONGRATULATION!!!

And best wishes to you and them

warm regards from

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Post Number: 262
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Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 21.05.08 10:39. Title: semi Thank you! :..


Thank you!

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Post Number: 267
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 05.06.08 21:28. Title: Our girls are 1.5 mo..

Our girls are 1.5 months old now:

Natalain Lively Latina

Natalain Lucky Laguna

Natalain Leela Vasanta

Litter and breeders

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Post Number: 1
Joined on: 05.09.08
post link  Posted: 05.09.08 18:26. Title: Greetings for Nelli-..

Greetings for Nelli- auntie.

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Post Number: 327
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 05.09.08 20:02. Title: brandy candy Thanks..

brandy candy
Thanks! I have seen we have many common relatives

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Post Number: 3
Joined on: 05.09.08
post link  Posted: 06.09.08 14:44. Title: Yes we have. Selbit ..

Yes we have. Selbit Skaly is a mother to our Nelli and grandmother to Disa and Iina, and Luka (T.W. Lucky One) is her father too

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Post Number: 328
Joined on: 07.07.07
Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 06.09.08 20:40. Title: brandy candy Yes! A..

brandy candy
Yes! And also we have 2 boys from Timonan Precious Pratt, son of Timonan Neat Nefertiti. I see that you have young charming daughter of Nefertiti

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Post Number: 342
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Location: Russia, Saint Petersburg
post link  Posted: 14.09.08 22:34. Title: Here is photos of 2 ..

Here is photos of 2 our L-girls in the age of 5 months.

Natalain Lively Latina

Natalain Lucky Laguna

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We have smooth collie puppies!
Forum English Translation: Alex007 (PEFT 1.2 Final)