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Post Number: 58
Joined on: 15.07.07
Location: Russia, Zelenograd
post link  Posted: 21.04.11 09:54. Title: We are expected tri & bm babies in kennel "Grazel" (Russia)

In mid-june 2011 we expected smooth collie`s puppies by:

Int Ch, SK Ch, PL Ch, A Ch, CZ JCh, SK JCh, Middle East European Winner 2009, Crufts 2012 nomination, Top Young Dog 2009 & Top Dog 2009 & Top Dog 2010 in CZ, Reserve at Crufts 2010 Blue Moon Leneli -


Int Ch, RUS JCh, RUS Ch, UA Ch, BEL Ch, LT Ch, EST Ch, LV Ch, SLO Ch, CZ Ch, BALT Ch, RUS ClubCh, RKF Ch, 1st Open bitch Euro Dog Show-2010, Top smooth collie-2007 in "SPb collie-sheltie club" rating Natalain Normandia

For more info about future parents and photos: ,

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Post Number: 61
Joined on: 15.07.07
Location: Russia, Zelenograd
post link  Posted: 16.06.11 11:45. Title: Now we have 2 blue b..

Now we have 2 blue boys with very nice colour & spots, and 1 tri boy + 1 tri girl.
A little later I will place information about available boys and photos.

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Post Number: 62
Joined on: 15.07.07
Location: Russia, Zelenograd
post link  Posted: 29.06.11 04:26. Title: One tri-color male, ..

One tri-color male, Grazel Benetton "Bento", is offered for booking


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Post Number: 63
Joined on: 15.07.07
Location: Russia, Zelenograd
post link  Posted: 01.07.11 10:19. Title: 16 days old https:/..

16 days old

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Post Number: 64
Joined on: 15.07.07
Location: Russia, Zelenograd
post link  Posted: 12.07.11 14:54. Title: Bento https://lh3.g..


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Post Number: 67
Joined on: 15.07.07
Location: Russia, Zelenograd
post link  Posted: 22.07.11 14:38. Title: Bento is booked..

Bento is booked

"Grazel" - smooth collies & shetland sheepdogs Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 102
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia
post link  Posted: 29.07.11 15:54. Title: :sm36: good luck to..

good luck to them - lovely pups

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Post Number: 69
Joined on: 15.07.07
Location: Russia, Zelenograd
post link  Posted: 25.12.11 20:40. Title: semi Jana, sorry fo..

Jana, sorry for sooo late answer )) But thank you for you post :)


Late in January we are expect tri & blue puppies out of C.I.B., D & Lux CH, D Club CH Turella`s Winstone and Rus & Slo CH, Rus Club CH Grazel A Capella. Full info is here:

Pedigree is here:

"Grazel" - smooth collies & shetland sheepdogs Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 70
Joined on: 15.07.07
Location: Russia, Zelenograd
post link  Posted: 30.01.12 18:21. Title: 24 January, six pupp..

24 January, six puppies were born :) - 3 boys (1 blue + 2 tri) and 3 girls (1 blue + 2 tri). Some puppies are available for booking.

First photos

Mom and girls

Mom and boys

All together, 1st day

5 days old


"Grazel" - smooth collies & shetland sheepdogs Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 51
Joined on: 02.01.10
Location: germany, berlin
post link  Posted: 04.02.12 23:57. Title: soooo sweet :sm19: ..

soooo sweet

regards, laura
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We have smooth collie puppies!
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