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Post Number: 199
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
Posted: 05.07.10 09:19. Title: Sandcastle's Suit Yourself x Sandcastle's My Cup Of Tea
We are expecting first Smooth Collie puppies in Croatia! sire: Sandcastle's Suit Yourself Finnish Champion HD A/A ED 0/0 CEA/PRA free Finnish mental test +125p dam: Sandcastle's My Cup Of Tea International, Croatian & Slovenian Champion HD A/A ED 0/0 CEA free (DNA non carrier) PRA free (DNA non carrier) Puppies are due around July 30th 2010. If you're interested or you have any questions, feel free to contact me nina.zubrinic (at)<\/u><\/a>

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Post Number: 55
Joined on: 13.09.07
Posted: 05.07.10 11:34. Title: I'm keeping my f..
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your puppies

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Post Number: 42
Joined on: 31.07.07
Location: Czech republic, Belec
Posted: 05.07.10 20:42. Title: Lovely parents, we c..
Lovely parents, we cross fingers for lovely puppies

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Post Number: 78
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia
Posted: 11.07.10 11:10. Title: :sm36: NINA aaalll ..
 NINA aaalll the best for Tia´s pups huuuuge from brother Nikita an Jana

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Post Number: 12
Joined on: 18.03.10
Location: Finland, Helsinki
Posted: 30.07.10 10:46. Title: :sm36: Best of luc..
 Best of luck!

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Post Number: 228
Joined on: 13.04.08
Location: Austria, Vienna
Posted: 01.08.10 01:41. Title: So, are they here ye..
So, are they here yet??? All the best for them, and good luck!

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Post Number: 200
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
Posted: 17.08.10 17:59. Title: Tia & her daught..

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Post Number: 9
Joined on: 17.09.09
Location: Czech Republic, Zamberk
Posted: 18.08.10 07:41. Title: Leneli
Hi Nina, your black lady is realy SWEET Congratulations!!!

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Post Number: 15
Joined on: 18.03.10
Location: Finland, Helsinki
Posted: 18.08.10 14:03. Title: :sm19: :sm19: ..

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Post Number: 201
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
Posted: 09.09.10 12:08. Title: Toonian Yksi Yritys ..

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Post Number: 18
Joined on: 18.03.10
Location: Finland, Helsinki
Posted: 09.09.10 15:12. Title: :sm19: ..

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Post Number: 203
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
Posted: 11.09.10 15:00. Title:

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Post Number: 31
Joined on: 07.02.09
Location: France
Posted: 21.09.10 18:53. Title: :sm19: ..

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Post Number: 109
Joined on: 02.09.07
Location: Norway
Posted: 21.09.10 22:41. Title: Very good-looking pu..
Very good-looking puppy

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Post Number: 204
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
Posted: 23.09.10 09:41. Title: Thanks! :sm12: Few..

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Post Number: 2
Joined on: 14.10.10
Location: Finland, Helsinki
Posted: 15.10.10 07:56. Title: She is so lovely :s..
She is so lovely Miisa and uncle Onni

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Post Number: 84
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia
Posted: 20.10.10 11:35. Title: :sm36: Sweet litle..
Sweet litle lady! Wish her all the best in future* huuug from uncle Nikita

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Post Number: 206
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
Posted: 22.10.10 16:32. Title: Miisa & Jana, th..
Miisa & Jana, thank you! :) Here is one more photo of the girls 

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Post Number: 3
Joined on: 14.10.10
Location: Finland, Helsinki
Posted: 22.10.10 19:18. Title: :sm19: ..

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Post Number: 15
Joined on: 28.09.07
Location: Czech republic, České Budějovice
Posted: 25.10.10 23:37. Title: Hi Nina, they are GR..
Hi Nina, they are GREAT!!! Your little sweetie is so CUTE! Lovely puppy. Send kiss for your girls. Dita and Bila Kaífa collies

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Post Number: 207
Joined on: 29.08.07
Location: Croatia, Zagreb
Posted: 27.10.10 08:35. Title: Thank you Dita! :)..
Thank you Dita! :)

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Post Number: 46
Joined on: 07.10.22
Posted: 20.01.24 10:05. Title: Mike Rooney

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