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Post Number: 81
Joined on: 13.04.08
Location: Austria, Vienna
post link  Posted: 16.07.09 18:07. Title: World Dog Show Bratislava 2009

Hi, who of you is coming to the WDS in october in Bratislava?
i think of taking my Skip (though it`s a little late and quite expensive) because we need his last CACIB for Interchampion and I have no time in winter or spring - so I`d like to finish this autumn... but if there are many good dogs at the WDS, we have no chance at all
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Post Number: 36
Joined on: 15.08.07
Location: Slovak republic, Kosice
post link  Posted: 22.10.09 18:42. Title: And others very nice..

And others very nice photos from WorldDogShow 2009 (but not only) taken by Libor & Tereza Hillebrant You can see here. Enjoy

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Post Number: 18
Joined on: 07.02.09
Location: France
post link  Posted: 24.10.09 07:39. Title: Thanks a lot for thi..

Thanks a lot for this great report

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Post Number: 2
Joined on: 05.10.20
Location: United States, Aberdeen
post link  Posted: 05.10.20 11:12. Title: Avengers Infinity War Bucky Barnes Jacket

From: $149.00
• Material: Faux Leather
• Inner: Viscose lining
• Front: Zipper Closure Over Buckle Closure
• Pockets: Two at Front, Two Inside

Bucky Barnes Avengers Infinity War Sebastian Stan Jacket
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Post Number: 3
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Location: United States, Aberdeen
post link  Posted: 05.10.20 11:13. Title: Avengers Infinity War Bucky Barnes Jacket

From: $149.00
• Material: Faux Leather
• Inner: Viscose lining
• Front: Zipper Closure Over Buckle Closure
• Pockets: Two at Front, Two Inside

Bucky Barnes Avengers Infinity War Sebastian Stan Jacket
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#Infinty War Costumes #Avenger Jackets

Super Hero Costumes Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 4
Joined on: 05.10.20
Location: United States, Aberdeen
post link  Posted: 05.10.20 11:14. Title: Avengers Infinity War Bucky Barnes Jacket

From: $149.00
• Material: Faux Leather
• Inner: Viscose lining
• Front: Zipper Closure Over Buckle Closure
• Pockets: Two at Front, Two Inside

Bucky Barnes Avengers Infinity War Sebastian Stan Jacket
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#Avengers #InfinityWar
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#J4Jackets #Barnes Jackets
#Infinty War Costumes #Avenger Jackets

Super Hero Costumes Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 1
Joined on: 21.10.20
post link  Posted: 21.10.20 06:11. Title: j4jackets wrote: ..

j4jackets wrote:

I want to buy a Ryan Reynolds Biker jacket for my father at a discounted price. I saw some jackets online store they are offering a 50% discount on Halloween coupons but I don't about quality and shipping price. Is it available?

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Joined on: 27.02.21
post link  Posted: 27.02.21 10:55. Title: fashion

Nothing can be more exciting than slaying the same look as your favorite fashionista in your favorite show! We manufacture high quality jackets and coats from all the famous movies and shows throughout the world. Grab your top picks now at click hereCelebJacket

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