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Post Number: 81
Joined on: 13.04.08
Location: Austria, Vienna
post link  Posted: 16.07.09 18:07. Title: World Dog Show Bratislava 2009

Hi, who of you is coming to the WDS in october in Bratislava?
i think of taking my Skip (though it`s a little late and quite expensive) because we need his last CACIB for Interchampion and I have no time in winter or spring - so I`d like to finish this autumn... but if there are many good dogs at the WDS, we have no chance at all
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Post Number: 81
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia, Bratislava
post link  Posted: 16.09.09 12:38. Title: Final statistics: 65..

Final statistics:
65 Smooth collies!

- First Class Amazing Dancer
- Jack Mack's VIP Groig
- Alegro Star Adeteva
- Cres Bila Kaífa

- Natalain Prime Minister
- Blue Moon Leneli
- Antares Jantárová hviezda

- Sandcastle´s King Of The Swing
- Natalain Nightfall
- Pinehillside’s Hot Shot
- Bandar Sah Bila Kaífa
- Belfast Bila Kaífa
- Loriseum Abreu

- Clingstone's No Doubt
- Zenith Of Fame Fantazija
- Coro Moro Nirreterrit
- Escape Krásná Louka
- Georg Krásná Louka


- Natalain Tarielle
- Kangasvuokon Mary Lou
- Caracas Bila Kaífa
- Casablanca Bila Kaífa
- Mighty´s Spring Meadow Electra Glide
- Julie Krásná Louka
- Joyce Krásná Louka
- Barbucha Flying Ear
- Blackberry Flying Ear
- Algide Elite Adeteva
- Aloe Vera Adeteva

- Shulune Imperial Signature
- Blue Planet Leneli
- Flying Heartbreakers Famous Blue Rose

- Natalain New Hardy Dream
- Cinnaberry's Uptown Girl
- Adjara Bela Leneli
- Artemis of Bohemia Balada
- Zinnia Again Fantazija
- Adette z Roztockého zámku

- Selbit Harmony Natalain
- Anabela of Bohemia Balada
- Sandcastle’s Swing’N’Smile
- Barcelona Bila Kaífa
- Gill Krásná Louka
- Delikatesa Nirreterrit
- CanCan Nirreterrit

- Sandcastle's Storm In A Teacup
- Beauty Krásná Louka

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Post Number: 130
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 17.09.09 13:52. Title: Class is entered at ..

Class is entered at the National also, anyone else?

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 62
Joined on: 25.07.08
Location: England , cambridge
post link  Posted: 18.09.09 20:36. Title: Does anyone have the..

Does anyone have their passes for this show yet please ?

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Post Number: 82
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia, Bratislava
post link  Posted: 30.09.09 19:27. Title: 1289 junior Alegro S..

1289 junior Alegro Star Adeteva
1290 junior Autor Story Adeteva
1291 junior Cres Bila Kaífa
1292 junior First Class Amazing Dancer
1293 junior Jack Mack's VIP Groig
1294 intermediate Antares Jantárová hviezda
1295 intermediate Blue Moon Leneli
1296 intermediate Natalain Prime Minister
1297 intermediate OneWay's Private Pluto
1298 open Alex Golden Dream Flying Ear
1299 open Anthony z Tau'ri
1300 open Bandar Sah Bila Kaífa
1301 open Goldshimmer Here I Go Again
1302 open Loriseum Abreu
1303 open Natalain Nightfall
1304 open Papaya Whip van Shaka's Royal Kraal
1305 open Pinehillside’s Hot Shot
1306 open Sandcastle's King Of The Swing
1307 champion Coro Moro Nirreterrit
1308 champion Escape Krásná Louka
1309 champion Georg Krásná Louka
1310 champion Clingstone's No Doubt
1311 champion Markylla’s Stardust
1312 champion Pelghart Paint It Black At Willowhurst
1313 champion Zenith Of Fame Fantazija
1314 puppy Annife Blue Vermiko
1315 junior Algide Elite Adeteva
1316 junior Aloe Vera Adeteva
1317 junior Barbucha Flying Ear
1318 junior Barbucha Flying Ear
1319 junior Caracas Bila Kaífa
1320 junior Casablanca Bila Kaífa
1321 junior Gallant Bely Shining Star
1322 junior Joyce Krásná Louka
1323 junior Julie Krásná Louka
1324 junior Kangasvuokon Mary Lou
1325 junior Mighty´s Spring Meadow Electra Glide
1326 junior Natalain Tarielle
1327 junior Timonan Unique Unice
1328 intermediate Blue Planet Leneli
1329 intermediate Cranberry Flying Ear
1330 intermediate Flying Heartbreakers Famous Blue Rose
1331 intermediate Shulune Imperial Signature
1332 open Adette z Roztockého zámku
1333 open Adjara Bela Leneli
1334 open Artemis of Bohemia Balada
1335 open Bianca Notte z Roztockého zámku
1336 open Cinnaberry's Uptown Girl
1337 open Delikatesa Nirreterrit
1338 open Icy Krásná Louka
1339 open Milli Miller Viisakas Virginia
1340 open Natalain New Hardy Dream
1341 open Selbit Shennon
1342 champion Allegra von den Plejaden
1343 champion Barcelona Bila Kaífa
1344 champion Calibra's Dream Viewer
1345 champion CanCan Nirreterrit
1346 champion Anabela of Bohemia Balada
1347 champion Farah Diva von dem Eisvogel
1348 champion Gill Krásná Louka
1349 champion Selbit Harmony Natalain
1350 champion Sandcastle’s Swing’N’Smile
1351 champion Zinnia Again Fantazija
1352 veteran Beauty Krásná Louka
1353 veteran Sandcastle's Storm In A Teacup

(previous list + list of the owners)

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Post Number: 129
Joined on: 15.02.08
Location: Estonia
post link  Posted: 01.10.09 06:30. Title: Wow there is going t..

Wow there is going to participate so many and beautiful smoothies . All the best to you and please make lots of pictures
Have a safe trip! Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 58
Joined on: 08.07.07
Location: Russia, St.Petersburg
post link  Posted: 01.10.09 11:20. Title: Uptown Girl Thank Y..

Uptown Girl
Thank You for a list of dogs!

JT wrote:

Wow there is going to participate so many and beautiful smoothies . All the best to you and please make lots of pictures
Have a safe trip!


And good luck for all participants!

Duna - Natalain Helory Hope O+
Vovan - Natalain Prime Minister O->
Busya (golden retriever) - Buenos Aires O->
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Post Number: 134
Joined on: 04.09.07
Location: Italy, Pavia and Venice
post link  Posted: 01.10.09 14:48. Title: wow uptowngirl!!! do..

wow uptowngirl!!! do you have same informations for other breeds also?

Roberta Semenzato &
MBISS CH Ballet dancer in black del castelgavone
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Post Number: 83
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia, Bratislava
post link  Posted: 01.10.09 14:56. Title: Ops, I made there li..

Ops, I made there little mistake, so corectly:

1289 junior Alegro Star Adeteva
1290 junior Autor Story Adeteva
1291 junior Cres Bila Kaífa
1292 junior First Class Amazing Dancer
1293 junior Jack Mack's VIP Groig
1294 intermediate Antares Jantárová hviezda
1295 intermediate Blue Moon Leneli
1296 intermediate Natalain Prime Minister
1297 intermediate OneWay's Private Pluto
1298 open Alex Golden Dream Flying Ear
1299 open Anthony z Tau'ri
1300 open Bandar Sah Bila Kaífa
1301 open Goldshimmer Here I Go Again
1302 open Loriseum Abreu
1303 open Natalain Nightfall
1304 open Papaya Whip van Shaka's Royal Kraal
1305 open Pinehillside’s Hot Shot
1306 open Sandcastle's King Of The Swing
1307 champion Coro Moro Nirreterrit
1308 champion Escape Krásná Louka
1309 champion Georg Krásná Louka
1310 champion Clingstone's No Doubt
1311 champion Markylla’s Stardust
1312 champion Pelghart Paint It Black At Willowhurst
1313 champion Zenith Of Fame Fantazija
1314 puppy Annife Blue Vermiko
1315 junior Algide Elite Adeteva
1316 junior Aloe Vera Adeteva
1317 junior Barbucha Flying Ear
1318 junior Blackberry Flying Ear
1319 junior Caracas Bila Kaífa
1320 junior Casablanca Bila Kaífa
1321 junior Gallant Bely Shining Star
1322 junior Joyce Krásná Louka
1323 junior Julie Krásná Louka
1324 junior Kangasvuokon Mary Lou
1325 junior Mighty´s Spring Meadow Electra Glide
1326 junior Natalain Tarielle
1327 junior Timonan Unique Unice
1328 intermediate Blue Planet Leneli
1329 intermediate Cranberry Flying Ear
1330 intermediate Flying Heartbreakers Famous Blue Rose
1331 intermediate Shulune Imperial Signature
1332 open Adette z Roztockého zámku
1333 open Adjara Bela Leneli
1334 open Artemis of Bohemia Balada
1335 open Bianca Notte z Roztockého zámku
1336 open Cinnaberry's Uptown Girl
1337 open Delikatesa Nirreterrit
1338 open Icy Krásná Louka
1339 open Milli Miller Viisakas Virginia
1340 open Natalain New Hardy Dream
1341 open Selbit Shennon
1342 champion Allegra von den Plejaden
1343 champion Barcelona Bila Kaífa
1344 champion Calibra's Dream Viewer
1345 champion CanCan Nirreterrit
1346 champion Anabela of Bohemia Balada
1347 champion Farah Diva von dem Eisvogel
1348 champion Gill Krásná Louka
1349 champion Selbit Harmony Natalain
1350 champion Sandcastle’s Swing’N’Smile
1351 champion Zinnia Again Fantazija
1352 veteran Beauty Krásná Louka
1353 veteran Sandcastle's Storm In A Teacup

Roberta, this information are only collected from list of the owners from website of WDS. So I don't have other breeds.

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Post Number: 84
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia, Bratislava
post link  Posted: 08.10.09 16:07. Title: WJW male - First Cla..

WJW male - First Class Amazing Dancer
WW male - Natalain Prime Minister
WJW female + BOB-junior + BOB - Timonan Unique Unice
WW female - Gill Krásná Louka
WVW female - Sandcastle's Storm In A Teacup

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Post Number: 85
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia, Bratislava
post link  Posted: 08.10.09 17:32. Title: Here are complete re..

Here are complete results, but without guarantee. Some little mistake can be there maybe.

1289 junior Alegro Star Adeteva Ex2
1290 junior Autor Story Adeteva abs
1291 junior Cres Bila Kaífa ???
1292 junior First Class Amazing Dancer Ex1, CAJC, WJW-09
1293 junior Jack Mack's VIP Groig Ex3
1294 intermediate Antares Jantárová hviezda VG4
1295 intermediate Blue Moon Leneli VG2
1296 intermediate Natalain Prime Minister Ex1, CAC, WW-09
1297 intermediate OneWay's Private Pluto VG3
1298 open Alex Golden Dream Flying Ear VG
1299 open Anthony z Tau'ri Ex3
1300 open Bandar Sah Bila Kaífa VG
1301 open Goldshimmer Here I Go Again VG
1302 open Loriseum Abreu Ex1, CAC
1303 open Natalain Nightfall VG4
1304 open Papaya Whip van Shaka's Royal Kraal abs
1305 open Pinehillside’s Hot Shot VG
1306 open Sandcastle's King Of The Swing Ex2, R.CAC
1307 champion Coro Moro Nirreterrit VG
1308 champion Escape Krásná Louka Ex
1309 champion Georg Krásná Louka Ex
1310 champion Clingstone's No Doubt Ex1, CAC, R.CACIB
1311 champion Markylla’s Stardust Ex3
1312 champion Pelghart Paint It Black At Willowhurst Ex2, R.CAC
1313 champion Zenith Of Fame Fantazija Ex4
1314 puppy Annife Blue Vermiko VP
1315 junior Algide Elite Adeteva abs
1316 junior Aloe Vera Adeteva VG
1317 junior Barbucha Flying Ear VG
1318 junior Blackberry Flying Ear VG
1319 junior Caracas Bila Kaífa Ex3
1320 junior Casablanca Bila Kaífa VG
1321 junior Gallant Bely Shining Star VG
1322 junior Joyce Krásná Louka Ex
1323 junior Julie Krásná Louka Ex2
1324 junior Kangasvuokon Mary Lou VG
1325 junior Mighty´s Spring Meadow Electra Glide Ex4
1326 junior Natalain Tarielle VG
1327 junior Timonan Unique Unice Ex1, CAJC, WJW-09, BOB-junior, BOB
1328 intermediate Blue Planet Leneli Ex1, CAC
1329 intermediate Cranberry Flying Ear abs
1330 intermediate Flying Heartbreakers Famous Blue Rose Ex2, R.CAC
1331 intermediate Shulune Imperial Signature Ex3
1332 open Adette z Roztockého zámku Ex2, R.CAC
1333 open Adjara Bela Leneli VG4
1334 open Artemis of Bohemia Balada VG
1335 open Bianca Notte z Roztockého zámku VG
1336 open Cinnaberry's Uptown Girl Ex3
1337 open Delikatesa Nirreterrit VG
1338 open Icy Krásná Louka abs
1339 open Milli Miller Viisakas Virginia abs
1340 open Natalain New Hardy Dream Ex1, CAC, R.CACIB
1341 open Selbit Shennon abs
1342 champion Allegra von den Plejaden Ex3
1343 champion Barcelona Bila Kaífa Ex
1344 champion Calibra's Dream Viewer abs
1345 champion CanCan Nirreterrit Ex
1346 champion Anabela of Bohemia Balada Ex4
1347 champion Entitled Harmony in Blue von dem Eisvogel abs
1348 champion Gill Krásná Louka Ex1, CAC, CACIB, WW-09
1349 champion Selbit Harmony Natalain Ex
1350 champion Sandcastle’s Swing’N’Smile Ex
1351 champion Zinnia Again Fantazija Ex2, R.CAC
1352 veteran Beauty Krásná Louka Ex2
1353 veteran Sandcastle's Storm In A Teacup Ex1, WVW-09, BOB-veteran

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Post Number: 83
Joined on: 10.07.07
Location: Russia, S-Petersburg
post link  Posted: 08.10.09 18:42. Title: Uptown Girl ïèøåò: ..

Uptown Girl ïèøåò:

WW male - Natalain Prime Minister Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 84
Joined on: 10.07.07
Location: Russia, S-Petersburg
post link  Posted: 08.10.09 18:44. Title: Uptown Girl ïèøåò: ..

Uptown Girl ïèøåò:


what's this? Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 40
Joined on: 13.09.07
post link  Posted: 08.10.09 18:57. Title: Congratulations! I ..


I guess abs means absence.

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Post Number: 65
Joined on: 08.07.07
Location: Russia, St.Petersburg
post link  Posted: 08.10.09 19:42. Title: Uptown Girl Tank Yo..

Uptown Girl
Tank You for results!!!

Thank You!!!

Congratulations to Tuula Tikkanen and owner of Timonan Unique Unice!!!
Roberta Semenzato, congratulations with WJW!
Congratuations to breeders and owners of Gill Krásná Louka and Sandcastle's Storm In A Teacup !

Does anyone know, why so many beautiful females were absent?

Duna - Natalain Helory Hope O+
Vovan - Natalain Prime Minister O->
Busya (golden retriever) - Buenos Aires O->
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Post Number: 133
Joined on: 15.02.08
Location: Estonia
post link  Posted: 08.10.09 20:17. Title: Thank you for the ov..

Thank you for the overview of the results
Big congratulations for the Winners and all who were satisfied with their results
Looking foward to see the pictures of the beautiful smoothies Thanks: 0 
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Post Number: 114
Joined on: 13.04.08
Location: Austria, Vienna
post link  Posted: 08.10.09 20:53. Title: Congratulations for ..

Congratulations for All!!!
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Post Number: 86
Joined on: 11.08.07
Location: Slovakia, Bratislava
post link  Posted: 09.10.09 05:56. Title: yes, abs = absence ..

yes, abs = absence

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Post Number: 87
Joined on: 31.07.07
Location: Germany, D-72488 Sigmaringen
post link  Posted: 09.10.09 06:38. Title: Congratulation to al..

Congratulation to all the Winners!
Roby, special congratulation to you an Class, we are so proud of you
We, that is papa Nuck and grandma Prima and me, Gudrun

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Post Number: 88
Joined on: 31.07.07
Location: Germany, D-72488 Sigmaringen
post link  Posted: 09.10.09 09:55. Title: oh, and not to forge..

oh, and not to forget, Timonan Unique Unice, daughter of Toffo,
Congratulation Tuula, we are sooo proud on offspring of Jack Mack's males doing so good on the WW 09

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Post Number: 34
Joined on: 15.08.07
Location: Slovak republic, Kosice
post link  Posted: 09.10.09 12:25. Title: I added photos from ..

I added photos from show on our web page. I will fill up picture descriptions on the fly ...

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We have smooth collie puppies!
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