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Joined on: 01.08.23
post link  Posted: 01.08.23 02:02. Title: What is CCL NAATI and how can it benefit you?

The NAATI CCL testNAATI CCL test is a separate test from the accreditation system for professional translators and interpreters. CCL stands for 'credentialed community language' and is designed to help migrants gain 5 points for their point-based visa applications.
It is important to note that NAATI itself is not an immigration authority and cannot provide advice on immigration policy or visa applications. Its role is to set and administer the CCL test. Passing the test can provide the visa applicant with an additional 5 points to add to their overall points from other sources.

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post link  Posted: 06.01.24 11:54. Title: I really like the wa..

I really like the way that you have expressed yourself. There is a lot to be admired from this post. You might want to click on
Fool Me Once Eva Finn Coat

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Forum English Translation: Alex007 (PEFT 1.2 Final)